The Department Physics and Technology of Isotopes: Mihai Gligan and Zsolt Szűcs-Balázs have participated in 2019, October 2 – 15, at the commissioning and the first functional tests of the plant for cryogenic distillation and Argon isotopes separation „Seruci 0”, at Monte Sinni, Sardinia, Italy.
INCDTIM is member – partner in ARIA Project, in a wide consortium that was created for designing and construction of Argon and several other isotopes separation plants, having columns up to 350 meters hights. The project is located in Sardinia, Italy and reunites together prestigious teams of scientists from Princeton and UCLA – USA; Milano, Cagliary and Genova Universities, Instituto nationale di Fisica Nucleare and Grand Sasso National Laboratories – Italy. The distiled Argon obtained here will be used for the detection of the Dark Matter particles coming from the Universe.
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