Modified electrode for selective detection of lead ions in aqueous solutions

Author: Lidia Măgerușan

Keywords: graphene-chitosan nanocomposites, modified electrodes, electrochemical detection


Graphene-based materials are of great practical interest and cover a wide range of practical applications.

The concern of our group has been to develop novel graphene-based nanocomposites with applicability in electrochemical detection and quantification of lead ions in drinking water, domestic or waste water.

Electrodes modified with graphene-based nanocomposites have multiple advantages over the use of conventional electrodes: improved conductivity, detection limit and catalytic properties, increased and more efficient active surface areas, high porosity, more adsorption and reaction sites and better control over the electrode macro-medium.

Innovative aspects

Heavy metal pollution of water is a problem with serious consequences.

Classical methods for detecting heavy metals in the environment are based on spectroscopic techniques, which are highly sensitive but have major drawbacks (they are expensive, time-consuming and sample preparation is a laborious process).

Consequently, simpler, faster and cheaper methods with high detection capability are being sought and electrochemical methods appear to be a viable alternative.


We have prepared a new type of nanocomposite material based on nitrogen-doped chitosan and graphene through a simple, fast and inexpensive procedure involving ultrasonication and magnetic stirring steps at room temperature.

The material obtained as a solution is deposited on the surface of a conventional gold electrode, leading to modification, increasing its active surface area and improving its electrocatalytic properties.

Cyclic voltammetry measurements evaluate the sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility of the modified electrode for the detection of Pb2+ ions in the presence of other metal ion species (Ni2+, Cu2+, Cd2+) or organic interferents (bisphenol A) present in the working solutions.


  • Detection limit of the order of 10-8 M (under laboratory conditions)
  • Low production costs
  • Wide range of applications (water treatment plants, mining industry, agriculture, domestic use)
  • Possibility of integration in portable equipment


Patent 131442/ 30.01.2020

Title: Preparation process and application in electrochemical detection of a new nanocomposite material based on chitosan and graphene doped with nitrogen atoms
Inventors: Măgerușan Lidia, Socaci Crina-Anca, Coroș Maria, Roșu Marcela-Corina, Pogăcean Florina, Pruneanu Stela-Maria