Eng. Ștefan Bugeac

 Technology Development Engineer III


Department: Isotopic and Molecular Technologies
Research Team: Isotopic Separation and Labeled Compounds

Phone: (+40)264-584037, int. 225
Office: Building E, Room E0.04
E-mail: stefan.bugeac[at]itim-cj[dot]ro

Research Interests and Expertise

  • Industrial engineering, Manufacturing technology, Multi-phase systems, Cryogenics, Experimental mechanics, Vacuum technologies, Special construction know-how, Processing and evaluation
  • Research Topics: Technologies for isotope separation by chemical exchange and cryogenic distillation, syntheses of organic and inorganic stable isotope labeled compounds, isotopic analysis, cryogenics, CAD, addictive manufacturing (AM), vacuum technologies
  • Project: Modern cascade for 13C cryogenic separation; DarkSide


MSc in Mechanical Engineer 2008 – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania