INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca promovează conceptul excelenţei produselor şi serviciilor în domeniul cercetării ştiinţifice, inovării şi transferului tehnologic în contextul dezvoltării durabile. Având la bază misiunea: “INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca, lider în furnizarea de produse şi servicii de cea mai bună calitate în cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare şi producţie în domeniul energiei şi aplicării izotopilor stabili, mediului, sănătăţii şi calităţii vieţii, materialelor şi proceselor inovative, biotehnologiilor şi tehnologiei informaţiei”, institutul dezvoltă proiecte în domenii de vârf capabile să-i asigure competitivitatea necesară integrii cu succes în Aria Europeană de Cercetare.
D1. Stable Isotopes Technology
D1.1 Isotope separation
- Research and development for 13C separation and production
- Scale up the technology of 15N separation at a minimum 99 % at. isotopic purity
- Extend the research on isotope separation to other species of interest (18O etc.)
D1.2 Applications of light stable isotopes
- Fully / selectively isotopic labelled compounds for applications in biology, environment, and advanced materials
- Authentication and quality assessment of food and drinks based on the 1H/2H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O isotopic ratios and metals content at the level of traces
- The use of isotopic markers and metal traces in phytoremediation and sustainable agriculture
- The use of isotopic fingerprinting to determine the geographical origin and traceability of natural products
- The use of light stable isotopes in studies related to the atmosphere-soil-plans chain
D2. Alternative and Renewable Energies
D2.1 Alternative energies
- Power generation systems by acoustic energy recovery – from the traffic noise, turbulences on the highway, and from the vibrations in the transportation infrastructure
- Electromagnetic energy recovery systems in the frequency range specific to the ambient noise
- Direct and reversible power conversion of the thermal energy by thermoelectric effect
- Power conversion of the chemical energy by carbon nanostructures in fuel cells
- Advanced clean energy storage systems
- Rechargeable batteries for automotive industry and electronics.
D2.2 Renewable energies
- Power conversion of the solar concentrated energy by thermoenergetic groups
- Systems for direct solar energy conversion into power by developing photovoltaic devices with high efficiency / cost ratio.
D2.3 Producere și stocare de hidrogen
- Hydrogen production from renewable sources
- Advanced materials for hydrogen storage
D3. Molecular physics and technology
D3.1 Molecular and biomolecular systems with controlled architecture and functionality for the development of a sustainable economy
- Modelling and simulation of molecular and biomolecular systems
- Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular systems by self-assembly
- Processing in the microwave field: extraction of natural compounds, chemical syntheses, degradation studies on food products and drugs
- Investigation of DNA structure and dynamics for biomedical applications
- Modelling the process of ultrashort (atto-femtoseconds) coherent radiation generation and development of applications within the ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) program
- Laser induced phenomena in nonlinear media, kinetics of the highly excited states
D3.2 Development of molecular technologies in emergent fields of medicine, bio-economy, eco-technologies and bionanotechnologies
- Fabrication of molecular devices with applications in biosensors and molecular electronics by high-performance techniques like laser processing, molecular epitaxy, dip pen nanolithography and nanoimprint
- Develop supramolecular systems through molecular recognition mechanisms and for applications as biosensors
- Identify new biomolecular species with antibacterial effect and characterization of the bactericidal mechanisms at the biological membrane surface
D4. Nanosystems with Controlled Architecture, Organization and Functionalities
D4.1 Composite nanostructures with controlled properties for medical applications
- “Core-shell” composite nanostructures for enhanced diagnosis methods
- Multifunctional nanostructured platforms for selective destruction of cancer cells
- Functionalised carbon nanostructures for selective and controlled drug release
- Carbon nanostructures for biosensors
- Stimuli responsive hybrid nanostructures based on organic molecules and polymers, with tailored functionalities
D4.2 Nanostructured materials for environmental biotechnologies
- Hybrid nanostructures for environmental applications
- Nanoparticles with applications in identifying the effect of the antibodies and other drug traces from the environment upon the microorganisms and nutritive plants
- Nanostructured catalysts for environmental applications
D4.3 Functionalised hybrid nanostructures for applications in pharmaceutical industry and cosmetics
- Polymer – magnetic nanoparticles hybrid nanostructures with controlled structure and functionality for magnetic separation
- Multi-component nanoparticles with tailored magnetic, optical, dielectric and functional characteristics for biomolecules detection
D4.4 Composite nanostructures for the use in other priority areas
- Hybrid composite nanostructures with controlled physical properties with applications in information storage and electronics
- Multicomponent magnetic nanostructures with reduced rare earths content and adjustable properties for magnets
- Magnetic nanofluids and applications
D5. Applied Multidisciplinary Research / Technological Development / Innovation
D5.1 Design/ fabrication of special equipment and software
- Experimental models, testing / development platforms, and special accessories needed in applied researches
- Software applications for data acquisition and processing
D5.2 Collaboration within the Romanian group at the ATLAS experiment in CERN, Geneva
- Operation and maintenance of the ATLAS detector Tile Calorimeter
- Design and fabrication of mechanical components and electronic modules for the detector upgrade
- Data storage and processing services for the ATLAS experiment on the GRID-RO-14-ITIM site
D5.3 Non-destructive photothermal techniques for composite materials investigation
- Characterization of the thermal compatibility of materials
- Non-destructive photothermal flaw
- Investigation of the construction materials thermal properties by combined photothermal techniques
D5.4 Quality assessment of the environment, industrial and food products
- Selective screening for studying the influence of the organic compounds upon environment matrices, food products, and cosmetics
- Quantitative and structural investigations of the industrial products from the environment, food, biological tissues and cosmetics
- Optimization and upgrade of wastewater stations and determination of biogas composition
- Identification of toxic and carcinogenic compounds in industrial products, waste deposits, and food products
- Natural compounds extraction and characterization. Applications improving the quality of food products and cosmetics
D5.5 Drug development research
- High-throughput screening for new solid forms of active pharmaceutical ingredients with improved efficacy
- Solubility and stability studies of active pharmaceutical ingredients
- Crystal structure determination on single crystals or polycrystalline powders
- Compatibility with excipients of active pharmaceutical ingredients
- Drug purity determination at the level of traces