Eng. Stelian Radu
Technology Development Engineer
Department: Isotopic and Molecular Technologies
Research Team: Isotopic Separation and Labeled Compounds
Phone: (+40)264-584037, int. 230
Office: Building C, Room 143
E-mail: stelian.radu[at]itim-cj[dot]ro
Research Interests and Expertise
- Isotope separation processes, Cryogenics
- Developing 13C separation technology by cryogenic CO distillation
- Design, realization of the automation and computer control of the experimental 13C separation plant by cryogenic distillation of CO
- Enrichment of the 15N isotope at the 99% concentration required for nitride fuel
- Authenticity and traceability of food and beverages (wine, honey, fruit juices)
- Isotopic hydrology research: water origin assessment, recharge mechanism, efficient management of water resources
- Using the stable isotopes in the study of the global carbon cycle
- Plant physiology – isotopic fractionation of the carbon, oxygen by plants
MSc in Environmental Quality and Energy Sources 2016 – Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
B.Sc. in Environmental engineering 2014 – Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania