Alternative Energies

The research field of the team is that of Alternative Energies: photovoltaic-solar energy conversion, concentrated solar energy, lead-acid batteries, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, energy recovery from mechanical vibration and electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog), thin layer thermoelectric transducers, unconventional treatments in microwave field, fuel oil recovery from waste oils, etc.

The team is part of the Center for Advanced Research and Technologies for Alternative Energy (CETATEA).

These research team activities are grouped in the following research topic with specific sub-themes:

Advanced research and technologies for alternative energies with two sub-objectives, each with two main research topics: 

  • Cogeneration of energy from multiple sources
    • Mixed sources of energy and heat exchangers
    • Combined mini-systems for recovery and conversion from multiple energy sources
  • Research, methods and techniques for capturing, converting and storing, for alternative energies
    • Alternative energy capture, conversion and application solutions
    • Methods and techniques for energy storage

Team Leader

Dr. eng. Emanoil SURDUCANEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: The main expertise research area is on the microwave circuit design and characterization (microstrip lines, waveguides, antennas), microwave methods for dielectric properties measurements, low and high power microwave applications and microwave power field distributions measurements.


Dr. eng. Marius Gabriel BLĂJANTechnology Development Engineer III
Expertise: Research and development of microplasma and applications of microplasma; Research and development of microwaves generated plasma and microwaves equipment; Numerical simulations.

Dr. eng. Emil BRUJ – Technology Development Engineer II
Expertise: Material Engineering, Material Science and technology, Energy Engineering, Mechanical design, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering.

Dr. eng. Olivia Ramona BRUJ – Technology Development Engineer III
Expertise: Energy storage  devices, Numerical and optimization methods, Electric machines, Low voltage electrical installations.

Dr. eng. Ciprian FORŢTechnology Development Engineer III
Expertise: .

Dr. Sorina GARABAGIU Recognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Pulsed Laser Deposition, Optical spectroscopy techniques (UV-Vis, Fluorescence).

Dr. Radu GAVREARecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Solid state physics.

Dr. eng. Ştefan GERGELY – Technology Development Engineer I
Expertise: .

Dr. Robert GUTTTechnological Development Engineer II
Expertise: Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Electromagnetic Waves, Thermal simulations.

PhD student eng. Gergő KOVÁCSScientific Research Assistant (ACS)
Expertise: FPGA design for embedded systems, Microprocessor/microcontroller programming.

Dr. Camelia NEAMŢUEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: .

Eng. Raluca NELEGAScientific Research Assistant (ACS)
Expertise: Computer science, electronics and telecommunications, signal and image processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.

Alexandru-Daniel OPREAScientific Research Assistant (ACS)
Expertise: RF systems characterization, FPGA programming, 3D modelling, Solar irradiation simulation for CSP systems.

Robert POLICSEK – Senior Technician (TS)

Dr. eng. Radu Ionel POP – Technology Development Engineer III
Expertise: Renewable energies – increasing the energy production of micro-hydropower plants.

Dr. Emanuel-Dumitru PUȘCHIȚĂLeading Researcher (R4)
Expertise: .

Dr. Simona RADALeading Researcher (R4)
Expertise: .

Dr. Oana Laura RAITAEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy.

Dr. eng. Vasile REDNIC – Technology Development Engineer II
Expertise: Renewable resources and technologies, Fluid mechanics, Physics of condensed matter, Phyisical chemistry, Metallic materials, Material Engineering, Material Science and Nanomaterials.

Trandafir-Liviu SERGHEIScientific Research Assistant (ACS)
Expertise: .

Dr. eng. Vasile SURDUCAN – Technology Development Engineer I
Expertise: Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Electronic circuits, microwave ovens, embedded systems, sensors.

Dr. eng. Cristian TUDORAN – Technology Development Engineer I
Expertise: Plasma physics and plasma technology, Power electronics, Software development.

Dr. Mioara ZAGRAIRecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Environmental Engineering, Materials Engineering, Materials Science, Sustainable Development, Environment protection.

TitleSolution for wireless energy capture and/or transmission: Intelligent virtual antenna array system (AI-AV)

Fig.1 Experimental setup: block diagram and implementation

Fig.2 Radiation patterns of a fixed antenna (test antenna), H-Field and E- Field, obtained from measurements with an (AI-AV)









The result of the research activity concerns the realization of a virtual antenna area based on the use of a mobile device (e.g. a drone (UAS)) operating on the basis of a dedicated application that relocates a real antenna to specified coordinates (fig.1). The virtual antenna area thus created has the attributes of a real antenna area. The device, mounted on the UAS, underlying the virtual antenna area has two distinct functions, one for command and control of the virtual antenna area and the other for analysis, characterization and/or control of the received or transmitted radio frequency (RF) signals. One application for the use of this system (AI-AV) is to determine the directivity distribution of a mast-mounted antenna (fig. 2).

[1] Surducan E.,  Puşchiţă E.D.,  Surducan V., Kirei B. S., Gergely Ş., Belean B.,  Kovacs G., Oprea A.D.,  Nelega R., Turcu R. V. F., “Smart system of virtual antennae array”, RO137723 (A0) ― 2023-10-30
[2] A. Oprea, G. Kovacs , R. Nelega, E. Surducan, V. Surducan, F. Turcu, E. Puschita, UAS-based Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurements: A Practical Approach, International Conference on Advanced Scientific Computing, October 18 – 20 2023, Cluj-Napoca

Title: Multi-focus solar concentrators system with Stirling engine
Patent Applications: OSIM, RO133284(A0)/2019, RO132727 (A0) /2018

Authors: Bot Adrian, Rednic Vasile, Bruj Emil, Pogăcian Gheorghe-Sergiu, Gergely Ștefan, Pop Ionel-Radu, Gutt Robert

The invention describes a hybrid system, for electric and thermal energy cogeneration from mixed sources, consisting of multi-focus solar concentrators system, elements for receiving and transferring the thermal energy to a Stirling- electric generator system, mounted on a solar tracking system. The Stirling engine exhaust duct is designed with two heat recovery units. The assembly further comprises heat exchangers for thermal energy cogeneration, inverter and accumulators for converting and storing the produced electric energy, and an electrolyzer that produces the oxygen and hydrogen used to enrich the air and the gaseous fuel, respectively.

Title: Rectenna and DC micro-converter system
Patent Applications: OSIM,  RO131697 (A0) 2017, OSIM, A/00591/2018

AuthorsEmanoil Surducan, Vasile Surducan, Robert Gutt, Camelia Neamţu

Problem: Harvesting and converting the energy of unconventional sources (such as the electromagnetic pollution energy), produces small output power (microwatt’s to miliwatt’s) and very low voltage, which is insufficient to run for most of the electronic devices.

Solution: The prototype assembly is harvesting low power electromagnetic energy at frequencies of (0.8-12) GHz, generating 20mV to 1.5V pulsed DC and converting it to a DC output of 2V to 5V. Moreover, the energy is stored in accumulators, which allows the supply of low-power electronic devices. The conversion efficiency of the micro-converter device is between 43% and 70%.

Title: Photonic crystal system for microwaves homogenizations (MHD-PCY)
Patent Applications: international  PCT-WO 177244/2015 şi OSIM RO 131921 (A2)/2017)

AuthorsEmanoil Surducan, Vasile Surducan, Camelia Neamţu

This static photonic crystal homogenizer (PCY) is improving the heat homogenization inside a commercial microwave oven. The photonic crystal (PCY), consist of a set of resonators periodically placed in a lattice, in a given volume (uniform or layers arrangement). The PCY crystal specifically reacts to microwaves irradiation: it can fully reflect a single wave from a packet of waves, it can selectively transmit a wave in a volume or on a surface in order to concentrate or to disperse it. In our application, the PCY crystal  produces selective transfer of a wave at 2.45 ± 0.05 GHz, between the input, (sideways positioned) and the output of the crystal (the top surface) and performs a power density homogenization of the transmitted wave, in the proximity of the crystal output.

Title: Experimental model of lead-acid battery
Patent Application: OSIM, RO132400 (A0)/2018, RO132401 (A0)/2018, RO133009 (A0)/2018

Authors: Morari Ioan Cristian, Bot Adrian, Buimaga Iarinca Luiza Tania, Murariu Ancuţa Teodora, Cristian Tudoran

An experimental model for a new type of lead-acid battery was built and characterized.

The model consists of a group of electrodes, with a specific patented configuration, assembled together in a similar way to the industrial model.Each of these groups of electrodes is inserted in a flooded battery box commonly used in ROMBAT series production. The nominal working voltage is 2.14V (no-load voltage). The capacity is about 55 Ah.

Titlu: Cold plasma universal applicator for surface engineering
Patent Application: OSIM A/00648 / 05.09.2018

AuthorCristian Tudoran

The invention relates to a device which generates a cold electric discharge (plasma) having a temperature in the range of 30 … 40 °C, used to treat conductive or insulating materials in two-dimensional form (films, strips, strips, flat surfaces).

By plasma treatment of materials we understand here the modification of their surface properties, for example obtaining hydrophilic, hydrophobic, oleophobic surfaces, functionalization, cleaning, corrosion, etc.

The device described by the present invention has many applications in areas such as surface engineering, textile and leather industries, electronic components industry, research (chemistry and electrochemistry, thin layer deposition, electron microscopy, science of materials, etc.).

    • INCDTIM (through CETATEA research center) is a member of Transilvania Energy Cluster (TREC), Cluj, Romania, and actively collaborates with the members of this cluster
    • Collaboration with Green Energy Institute (GEI), Mokpo, South Korea, in the field of photovoltaic, agro-photovoltaic cells (transparent solar panels for the ease of agricultural crops under panels), wind energy, energy storage, micro-networks green energy systems and their management.
    • Collaboration with ROMBAT S.A, Bistriţa, Romania, for the development of the research / technological development activity in the field of lead-acid batteries, the access of ROMBAT S.A to the research infrastructure of INCDTIM-CETATEA, mutual support for attracting research-development funds.
    • Collaboration with Universite Catholique de Louvain – Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences, Louvain, Belgium. The theme of the collaboration is: the study and management of energy storage systems, the study of Li-ion batteries, the study of Lead-Acid batteries.
    • Collaboration with the Institute de Physic du Glob de Paris (IPGP), France; the collaboration theme refers to convection experiments in geological researches based on non-contact microwave heating (TERRA-MWH)