Isotopic, Elemental and Molecular Fingerprinting

The group’s main research directions fall into two broad areas of smart specialization, namely:

i) bioeconomy and
ii) energy, environment and climate change.

Within these broad domains, in which the versatility of mass spectrometry has found extensive applicability, there are several sub-domains in which the group members have developed research directions. Among these, the most recent applications can be grouped as follows:

  1. Traceability and authentication of food and beverages in relation to geographical and botanical origin, using both recognized markers (isotopic and elemental profiles) and emerging techniques, such as metabolomics;
  2. Food and beverage quality control, focusing on:
    • Identification of adulteration of food and beverages throug the addition of unauthorized substances in relation to the labeled specifications (exogenous water, sugar or ethanol);
    • identification and quantification of organic (e.g. pesticide residues) and inorganic (potentially toxic metals) compounds.
  1. Applications of mass spectrometry in the cosmetics industry: estimation of the quality of essential oils, identification of specific organic and inorganic compounds of interest from raw material to final product;
  2. Climate change and pollution at the level of terrestrial biospheres, atmosphere and marine environment;
  3. Investigation of the potential of natural resources: mineral waters, geothermal waters, methane sources;
  4. Testing the migration of metal ions from food contact materials into various food simulants.

Team Leader

Dr. habil. Dana Alina MĂGDAŞ Leading Researcher (R4)
Expertise: Biotechnologies.


Zoltán BALÁZSFirst Stage Researcher (R1)

Dr. Florina Dorina COVACIURecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Gas-Chromatography.

Dr. Gabriela Ioana CRISTEAEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS).

Ioana CUREAN – Senior Technician (TS)

PhD student Maria DAVIDScientific Research Assistant (ACS)
Expertise: .

Dr. Augusta Adriana DEHELEANEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Dr. Ioana Coralia FEHER Established Researcher (R3)
Expertise: Analytical chemistry, Chromatography, Mass spectrometry, Food safety, Environmental chemistry, Chemometrics.

Dr. Cornelia Veronica FLOARE-AVRAMRecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Analytical Chemistry, Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry.

PhD student Ariana-Raluca HAŢEGANScientific Research Assistant (ACS)
Expertise: .

Dr. Lidia MĂGERUȘANEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: .

Eng. Valentin Raul MIREL –  Technological Development Engineer I
Expertise: Chemical Engineering, Vacuum Technique, Material Science and Nanomaterials, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, and Nanotechnology.

Dr. Zaharie MOLDOVANLeading Researcher (R4)
Expertise: Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics; Environmental Chemistry; Mass Spectrometry; Gas Chromatography; High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC).

Dr. Csilla MÜLLER MOLNÁRRecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Biomolecular Physics, Optical Spectroscopy, Raman and SERS spectroscopy, UV-VIS Spectroscopy, Food control, Environmental monitoring.

Nicoleta PETRICĂ – Senior Technician (TS)

Dr. Florina POGĂCEANEstablished Researcher (R3)
Expertise: Nanomaterials, Electrochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry.

Dr. Stela PRUNEANULeading Researcher (R4)
Expertise: Nanomaterials, Physics, Chemical Physics.

Dr. Romulus Horaţiu PUŞCAŞRecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vacuum technique.

Dr. eng. Cezara Mariana VOICARecognised Researcher (R2)
Expertise: Analytical Chmemistry, Engineering Chemistry, Quality assurance.

1. Within COST Actions

  • CA18225 – Taste and Odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking Water Problems
  • TD1407 “Network on Technology-Critical Elements – from Environmental Processes to Human Health Threats”.

2. Cooperations within clusters in Cluj

  • AgroTransilvania Cluster
  • Transylvanian Furniture Cluster

3. Collaborations with industry in the framework of the Project entitled “Increasing the knowledge and technology transfer capacity of INCDTIM Cluj in bioeconomy TTC-ITIM“, nr. 18/01.09.2016, POC competition, Axis1: RDI in support of economic competitiveness and business development, Action 2.3 Partnerships for knowledge transfer.

  • Development of a new range of enameled dishes with beneficial health properties, Subsidiary Contract No. 278/10.04.2019
  • Fingerprinting and traceability of new varieties of cheeses produced in Transylvania, Subsidiary Contract No. 279/23.04.2019