Dr. Gabriela Blăniță
Scientific Researcher II
Department: Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography and Applied Physics
Research Team: Porous Materials and Carbon Nanostructures
Phone: (+40)264-584037, int. 121, 147
Office: Building A, Room A1.01, Laboratory A3.01, A3.14
E-mail: gabriela.blanita[at]itim-cj[dot]ro
Research Interests and Expertise
- Organic chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Materials chemistry,Hydrogen technologies
- Synthesis of nano and bulk materials
- Nanoporous materials: metal-organic frameworks, nanostructured carbons
- Hybrid materials
- Characterizations: chemical composition, structure, textural properties
- Hydrogen storage
MSc in Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 1996 – Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
PhD in Organic Chemistry 2010 – Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania