Dr. Ionuț Bogdan Cozar
Scientific Researcher III
Department: Molecular and Biomolecular Physics
Research Team: Molecular and Biomolecular Technologies
Phone: (+40)264-584037, int. 173
Office: Building B, Room B2.06
E-mail: bogdan.cozar[at]itim-cj[dot]ro
Research Interests and Expertise
- Molecular and Biomolecular Physics, Theoretical Physics
- Self-assembled molecular structures
- AFM investigations with functionalized peaks
- Molecular detection
- Intra- and inter-molecular interactions
- Molecular recognition
MSc in Biophysics and Medical Physics 2009 – Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
PhD in Physics 2011 – Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania