1949 – is founded the Physics Deparment of the Romanian Academy;

1950 – started the existence of the Institute as Physics Deparment of the Romanian Academy from Cluj;

1956 – in Bucharest Magurele Institute of Atomic Physics (IFA) is founded, and Department of Physics Academy of Cluj become a subsidiary of IFA Bucharest;

1970 – IFA Section Cluj gets legally autonomy under the name Institute for Stable Isotopes, with the main goals in R&D of heavy water technology, stable isotopes and design and manufacturing of scientific equipment for isotope applications;

1977 – Stable Isotopes Institute change his name to Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technology ITIM Cluj-Napoca, unity with legal personality, under the authority of State Committee for Nuclear Energy;

1999 – through reorganization of ITIM Cluj-Napoca is founded the National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca (HG 408/1999);

2005 – INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca is reapproved as a National R&D Institute (HG 1401/2005);

2008 – INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca is accredited and certificated as National Institute for Research and Development under the authority of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS Decision No. 9634/2008).

2009INCDTIM Certificat conform SR EN ISO/9001/2008 şi Laboratorul de Spectrometrie de Masa, Cromatografie și Fizica Ionilor – Acreditat conform SR EN ISO/CEI 17025/2005, Certificat Acreditare Nr. LI 1035/21.10.2014 emis de Asociatia de Acreditare din Romania– RENAR

2010 – sărbătoarea a 60 ani de existență;

2011 – evaluarea instituţională, se obţine calificativ A+;

2013 – INCDTIM Recertificat conform SR EN ISO/9001/2008;

2014 – Proiectarea și începerea construcţiei Centrului de cercetare şi tehnologii avansate pentru energii alternative – CETATEA;
Laboratorul de Spectrometrie de Masă, Cromatografie şi Fizica Ionilor şi Laboratorul de Spectroscopie RMN, acreditat conform SR EN ISO/CEI 17025/2005, Certificat Acreditare Nr. LI 1035/21.10.2014 emis de Asociaţia de Acreditare din România – RENAR (recunoscută ca Organism de Acreditare prin OMIR 354/12.06.2003)

2015 – Finalizarea construcției Centrului de cercetare şi tehnologii avansate pentru energii alternative – CETATEA, achiziția și montarea echipamentelor.

Today INCDTIM, as a national institute with integral state capital, offers a wide range of R&D services and products, and by his human capital and scientific infrastructure INCDTIM occupies an important position among the most significant research institutes from Romania.

The Directors General who have led INCDTIM since its creation until today:

Dr. Claudiu Ortensie Filip

2023 – present

Dr. Romulus Valeriu Flaviu Turcu

2019 – 2023

Dr. ing. Adrian Bot

2007 – 2019

Dr. Mircea Bogdan

2000 – 2007

Dr. Cornel Cuna

1990 – 2000

Prof. dr. Victor Mercea

1952 – 1987

Prof. dr. Aurel Ionescu

1950 – 1952