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June 2020

INCDTIM has won three Norway Grants projects

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INCDTIM won three projects in the competition The Norway Grants Call for Proposals 2019 – Collaborative Research Projects (NO grants).

Two of these projects proposed for funding will be coordinated by our colleagues Dr. Crina Socaci (TiO2 nanotubes/graphene-based nanomaterials to address the emerging contaminants pollution) and Dr. Cosmin-Adrian Farcău (Nanostructured microfluidic analytical platform for dual SERS-electrochemical detection of emerging environmental pollutants).

Dr. Diana Mihaela Lazăr is responsible for INCDTIM for the third project (Hybrid Solvents – Membranes for post-combustion CO2 capture and utilization), in which the institute is a partner in the consortium.

The NO grants program contributes to the development of research-based knowledge and increase the performance of Romanian research at international level, by supporting collaborative research projects between research organizations in Romania and Donor States, in the fields: energy, environment, health, social sciences and humanities, including gender studies and studies on social inclusion, communication and information technology, biotechnology.

Quantum Future Academy 2020 – Today’s insights for tomorrow’s experts

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In November 2020, the first European Quantum Future Academy will take place in Berlin under the motto “Today’s insights for tomorrow’s experts”. As part of its EU Council Presidency, Germany, with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as host, will invite around 60 selected students from the natural and engineering sciences from around 30 European countries to an exciting and exclusive week in Berlin.

From November 1st to 7th, participants can expect exclusive insights into the most diverse areas of applied quantum technologies. These include visits of companies and laboratories, meetings with researchers and industry partners, interesting hands-on workshops and extensive networking opportunities. Of course, cultural activities in the cosmopolitan city of Berlin are not neglected.

The Quantum Future Academy is an initiative of the BMBF and is organized in 2020 in cooperation with the European Quantum Flagship and supported by numerous institutions in the participating countries. The application process for the Academy is organised independently by the European partners in their country. This event is motivated by the intention to support the formation of a sustainable network of young European researchers in the future field of quantum technologies.

The selection process for Romanian students has two steps:

  1. Applications (in English) include a letter of motivation (1-2 pages) + CV.
  2. The short-listed candidates will be invited to an on-line interview. The jury will select 2 winners for the main Quantum Future Academy Event in Berlin.

Please send your application to before 10 July 2020.

Further Information can be obtained from Mona Mihăilescu (, Radu Ionicioiu ( and Luiza Buimaga-Iarinca (

Stay tuned on Twitter at @QuantenTech and #QFA2020

The poster can be found here.

The situation of university education and research in the current pandemic context

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CURRENT REGIONAL from June 2, 2020

Moderator: Corina Ionuț
Manufacturer: Dan Curean

1. The situation of university education and research in the current pandemic context.
2. The situation of Tiff and cinema
3. The situation of independent artists

Invite via Skype:
Claudiu Filip – scientific manager of INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca
Claudiu Turcus – vice dean of the Faculty of Theater and Film
Tudor Giurgiu – TIFF manager
Emeric Imre – independent artist