INCDTIM won three projects in the competition The Norway Grants Call for Proposals 2019 – Collaborative Research Projects (NO grants).
Two of these projects proposed for funding will be coordinated by our colleagues Dr. Crina Socaci (TiO2 nanotubes/graphene-based nanomaterials to address the emerging contaminants pollution) and Dr. Cosmin-Adrian Farcău (Nanostructured microfluidic analytical platform for dual SERS-electrochemical detection of emerging environmental pollutants).
Dr. Diana Mihaela Lazăr is responsible for INCDTIM for the third project (Hybrid Solvents – Membranes for post-combustion CO2 capture and utilization), in which the institute is a partner in the consortium.
The NO grants program contributes to the development of research-based knowledge and increase the performance of Romanian research at international level, by supporting collaborative research projects between research organizations in Romania and Donor States, in the fields: energy, environment, health, social sciences and humanities, including gender studies and studies on social inclusion, communication and information technology, biotechnology.
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