Monthly Archives

October 2020

INCDTIM – partner in Horizon 2020 project

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A proposal in which INCDTIM is partner has passed recently the evaluation stage and entered the procedure for granting 3.075 milion euros  financing via the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union.

The project ”eXtreme ultraviolet to soft-X-ray Photonic Integrated Circuits – X-PIC” will be developed in cooperation with two top research intitutions from Italy, namely  Politecnico di Milano (coordinator) and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and a private german laser company, Class 5 Photonics.

This project aims at the realization of a new technological platform for the development of a EUV – soft X-ray integrated photonics.

The primary goal is to develop a novel technology able to manipulate high-energy photons of attosecond duration in integrated devices; in particular, the spectral range going form the extreme ultraviolet to the soft X-rays is very attractive for applications in Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Biology, Pharmacology, Material and Surface Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Metrology and in many other fields.

European Quantum Week

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Ce reprezintă sesiunile educative ale European Quantum Week?

Acest eveniment virtual este conceput pentru a familiariza elevii de liceu cu noțiunea de „tehnologii cuantice”. Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul Quantum Flagship în toate țările din Uniunea Europeană și va avea loc în cadrul primei ediții a European Quantum Week (EQW) 2-6.11.20.

Cui ne adresăm?

Toți elevii din anii terminali de liceu sunt bineveniți să participe la sesiunile educative din cadrul European Quantum Week.

Cum puteți participa?

Orice clasă din județul Cluj poate să participe prin înscrierea online aici sau prin email către, menționând “participare EQW2020 Cluj” până la data de 29.10.2020.

Ce vom face?

Cursuri interactive on-line cu durata de aproximativ 40 de minute în timpul orelor de curs ale elevilor în săptămâna 2-6 noiembrie 2020. Cursurile vor fi ținute în limba română de către cercetătorii de la Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Izotopice și Moleculare. Cu câteva zile înainte, veți primi un link pentru Zoom.

Descarcă flyerul evenimentului

Romanian Conference for Education and Research

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Researchers from INCDTIM are invited to register for the conference organized by

Enformation together with the academic publishing houses and the partner companies, with the support of the Association of Universities, Research-Development Institutes and Central University Libraries of Romania – “Anelis Plus”, with the theme:

“Access to scientific literature: Romanian International Conference for Education and Research, 8th edition, which will take place between October 27-29, 2020.

Romanian Conference for Education and Research becomes exclusively #online event in 2020!

The event is attended by top speakers who will address current topics of general interest, such as:

  • Transdisciplinarity in Education and Research
  • The importance of educational communities
  • Open Science
  • Research Failure
  • Motivation in Education and Research

The presence at the event offers participants both the opportunity to contact the representatives of the partner publishers of the Anelis Plus Association but also with other world-renowned publishers, with international speakers, to get acquainted with international trends in scientific documentation, solutions for documentation multidisciplinary and to participate in various seminars held by publishers on various current topics.

The description of the event, the topics addressed, speakers, locations, the Agenda and the registration form for the Conference can be found at: